miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

How to build a Geoboard 🔨

Resultado de imagen de geoplano dibujo
Today, we are going to speak about geoboards. Geoboards are a really useful tool to learn Geometry, as it allows the students play with the different shapes. There are interactive boards that we can use online, and we will talk about that in future posts; however, what we are going to do know is learning how to build a geoboard in class, which can be a fun activity to do with our students.

These are the materials we need:

  • A cork board for each student
  • Tacks
  • Post-its of two different colors
  • Strings
  • Adhesive tape
Then, what we need to do is to put the post its in the corck board, alternating the colors, as if it was a chess board. After that, using the adhesive tape, we put all the post-its together and we stick one tack in each edge of the post-its. That way, children can experiment with this didactic material, using the strings! You can see all this procedure in this video so you understand it better:

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